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Online Marketing
Strategy Roadmap
for Creatives & Makers 

Your products sell like crazy at Makers Markets, Shows and Fairs.


But you’re eager to sell more.  You know that in-person sales limit your income because you’re only one person and you can only sell to one person at a time. 


And to be honest…


You’ve had it with the hassle, the travel, the seasonality, the sameness of those venus.

You’ve had it with being lumped in with (often) the same crowd of makers.

You’ve had it with income instability.


If only you could sell your products online… then the whole world could be your potential customer! No more waiting for them to come to you!


Nice dream, you think, but… 

  • You may be overwhelmed by the prospect of selling your products online, though, and don’t even know how you would begin...



  • you may have tried to sell online but weren’t very successful at attracting business...



  • you may be technology-averse...



  • you may be too busy creating the things you love and living your life...


No matter the reason, you know that selling online would change your business and change your life. Yet you continue the hustle and hassle of in-person sales because you don’t know any other way to sell that works for you.


I have a lifeline, you creative spirit…




Online businesses are fueled by marketing.

No one will find you in the vastness of the internet unless you make yourself known -

and that happens through an online marketing plan.


Yep, you need a plan. I can help you make one.


Here's an opportunity to get a FREE online marketing strategy roadmap personalized to your needs and your business to lead you to the greater impact and sales you desire. 


It all starts with a powerful strategy session that helps you:

  • identify your online sales goals

  • assess your current marketing practices

  • discover what’s missing in order to reach (and exceed) those goals in the year ahead






Three frequent problems people who’ve experienced poor results with online marketing are:

Do you fall into one, two or all of those categories?

If you yearn to earn online, I can help with that.

In your complimentary Strategy Session we’ll do a little dreaming to determine the impact that implementing online marketing could have in taking your creative/maker business to a whole new level! 


What will you do when your Creative Business thrives by selling for you 24/7…

  • Quit the market circuit (or only do the shows you love)?

  • Spend more time in the studio?

  • Be there for your life instead of on the road?


If these dreams resonate with you, you owe it to yourself to get on my calendar and tell me about your business dreams!


To get your personalized roadmap, schedule a 30-minute one-on-one Zoom call on my calendar so I can assess your online marketing needs. Based on what I learn during our chat, I’ll put together a report with my recommended online marketing strategy for your particular business.


Online sales await! There’s a big wide world out there to sell to!

Make 2023 the year you grow your brand, your business and your income selling online!

Gina Blitstein

Shine a Light Marketing
Online Marketing Consultant

I support Creatives and Makers by facilitating their online marketing efforts because I believe their gifts are important, necessary, and should be shared more freely into the world.


Makers deserve recognition for the beautiful truths their talents express. Part of that recognition includes the ability to earn a bountiful living as a Creative.


That's where I come in. I'm a marketing partner dedicated to helping your creative brand shine!

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