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Online Marketing for Creative Business - Pulling The Pieces Together

Writer's picture: Gina BlitsteinGina Blitstein

As I’ve said MANY times to creatives who don’t care for marketing, don’t feel they’re good at it or simply lack the time or inclination to attend to it - that’s no reflection on you because

Shout it from the rafters with me… a one, a two, a THREEEEEE!

You’re a Maker - NOT - a Marketer!

Your talents lie in what you love to make.

I find that when marketing overwhelms, confuses or frustrates someone, it’s usually due to a lack of knowledge or comfort with marketing practices which can be, let’s face it, hard to grasp for those who don’t eat, drink and sleep it.

That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to lifting the veil of mystery associated with marketing so that it's more accessible to those who need it to promote their business and make a tidy living exercising their creative muscles.

To that end, I’ve been busy assembling resources to help demystify online marketing. In the fall, I presented a webinar called, Online Marketing for Creatives & Makers: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide (or Maybe You Need a Refresher) that broached the subject of marketing confusion and overwhelm from which so many rightfully suffer.

Here's the recording of that webinar:

Toward the end of the year, I wrote a 16-page companion guide entitled, Online Marketing for Creatives & Makers The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Understanding What’s Necessary for Building Your Business’ Online Presence from the Ground Up. The guide expanded on the absolute beginner’s theme and even included a handy dandy glossary for looking up technical words and terms with which you may be unfamiliar (because it’s harder to learn when you don’t understand the basic language.

Download the guide here:

I’m excited to announce the continuation of my tutelage through the basics of online marketing with a new webinar I’ve planned to host on February 21, entitled, Sell as Well Online​ as You Do in Person! Think outside the booth and sell 24/7! I’m super excited about this upcoming training. It’s a chance to “meet” me and see firsthand how I raise your knowledge and confidence where online marketing is concerned. If you’re interested in learning some useful tips for leveraging the power of the internet to sell your offerings, I invite you to mark your calendar to attend this rich and robust webinar.

Learn all about the upcoming webinar here:

To your Creative - and marketing - success!


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