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Sell Well Online and Earn 24/7!

Make more money as a Creative on the internet

without being salesy or pushy,

even if you're an introvert or feel uncomfortable selling online!

Let's chat to learn if this program is for you!

Do you stumble over these obstacles

when trying to sell online?


  • you're not connecting with your ideal clients

  • you don’t know what to say - or how  - about yourself and your offerings online

  • you can sell in person but don’t know how to transfer those skills to online selling

  • you're intimidated by the technology part of selling online

  • you're not consistent in building and maintaining an online persona

Imagine instead if,

as a Creative/Maker, you...


  • enjoy a large, robust, interactive community of people passionate about your offerings

  • can write engagingly about yourself and what you make with ease and confidence

  • have the skills to connect with customers  - even when you're not present in person

  • know exactly how to share your offerings on the internet in an authentic way

  • have prepared precisely what you're going to post, where, when and why, on a regular basis

Imagine no more!



I've cracked the code to curating an authentic, engaging online persona â€‹

that makes people sit up and notice me apart from the crowd,



You're not just another maker...


You're YOU!


Sell Well Online and Earn 24/7!

a six-week program to give you the tools you need to cut through the noise on the internet so your unique voice can be heard and customers will come running to buy from you.


Register to join us - it all begins on June 20! It's time you learned how to shine your unique light online!

Let's chat to learn if this program is for you!

Learn the skills you need to bee yourself online and attract, maintain and grow an engaged audience who WANT to hear what you have to say!


  • authentically and in your own words

  • even if you're introverted, shy or don't know what to say

  • without sounding "salesy" or pushy

The Sell Well Online program includes these features:

Week 1

Orientation & What's Your Sales Personality? Worksheet. You can't put your authentic self out there if you're not sure what it is! Are you silly, quirky, serious? Highly-engaged, introverted, super-intense? Work through this worksheet to discover how you naturally make sales so you can capitalize on the real you.


Week 2

Learn to insert your personality into your marketing. Now that you know your sales personality, let's pour it into your marketing so there's no doubt it's 100% authentic YOU - not just some generic wording that could apply to anyone.


Week 3

Write a Compelling About Page. Gather with your fellow students for a writing lab on Zoom and write your About Page, get coaching and feedback.


Week 4
Learn the ins and outs of writing engaging, descriptive product and/or service descriptions. Online, no one can touch, smell, hear or taste your offerings - it's all on the words to make them irresistible, unique and precisely what the customer wants.


Week 5
Writing a newsletter or email that gets opened and read! Once you're in your customer's inbox, make sure you get noticed! You'll learn to craft email content your customers will appreciate receiving and take action from.


Week 6

Social Media Calendar & putting it all together. Here's where you'll connect all the dots to come up with a robust toolkit to use to personalize and communicate your unique marketing message. To help you create and commit to an action plan, you'll receive your downloadable copy of my Content Management Calendar & Brainstorm Guide where you can take what you've learned and craft a 3-month plan for your business.

Let's chat about your marketing needs!

As if all that wasn't enough...

Bonus Time!


To make this program an opportunity there's NO WAY you can pass up,

I'm offering some juicy bonuses sure to help you decide to

invest in the success of your online marketing efforts! 





A downloadable copy of my original MARKETING MINDSET MANIFESTO that explains my marketing philosophy and provides a generous number of actions you can implement to engage more deeply with your audience.



FREE ENROLLMENT FOR LIFE at ALL my future online marketing trainings/webinars, + a bring-a-friend-for-free voucher to each. Once your in my community, we remain a continuing resource & source of support for your marketing efforts.



A standing invitation to REGULAR COMMUNITY VIRTUAL MEETUPS where you can ask questions and get feedback from Gina & other Creatives/Makers who are navigating the same waters & also striving to serve their customers the best they can.


Enroll no later than within 24 hours of our chat and I'll gift you a


personalized, one-on-one session to flesh-out your

Content Management Calendar & Brainstorm Guide

(included in this program)


Intended as a DIY resource, I'll meet with you

to fill out three complete months of your guide so you'll

know exactly what you're going to say online, how, where and why!

Let's chat to learn if this program is for you!

Become a
Shine a Light Marketeer!

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and receive helpful, valu
online marketing tips, surveys
and news about my offerings.

Please provide your details so
we can keep in touch!

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Be on the lookout for a

welcome email from Marketeer Gina.

If you don't get it to your inbox, check for it

in your spam or promotions folders.


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